Shipping Policy
We will process your order within 3-7 business days.
Any address changes needs to be confirmed to receive your delivery.
Please checked your order details, we will send it to you via the email you provided.
Shipping/delivery times vary based on your location. With local/domestic orders deliveries are typically expected to arrive within 7 business days.
For international orders deliveries are typically expected to arrive within 15-30 business days. And in some cases up to 3 months, depending on the border restrictions, quarantines or your local shipping laws. If we have any delays from the studio, you will be notified via the email you've provided.
All shipping costs are calculated at checkout based on the weight & the parcels final destination/delivery address.
We are not responsible for delays caused by customs, postal services or any natural events that may occur.
Customers are responsible for any customs fees, import duties or local fees incurred by their postal/delivery service centres. And these fees cannot be claimed from this website or it's owner.
If your package is lost or damaged in transit, please contact us by replying to your order confirmation email. We will assist you in resolving transit issues as best as we are capable of doing, but any losses, damage, undelivered items or theft is not our responsibility. Ensure your packages are kept in a safe & secure place at your delivery address.