You know that I’m passionate about being a Surface Pattern Designer & that I love sharing what I’ve learned with you... But what I want most for you is to know that your Creativity is worth something!
This quote is as relevant now as ever before because we often let fear & doubt creep in when we want something for ourselves
If licensing your artwork & creating a sustainable income is a dream of yours, know this today: "You can do it, too!"
Let me tell you more about my “why"
I think you might have similar goals and dreams. So, as I started my business, I had just moved to a new town & as you know, the pandemic struck that same year. This was when I realised that my BIGGEST dream was to become a fabric designer, but I had no formal education on art or design & felt like I had no place in the Creative Industry... And I definitely had no idea on how to get started at all. So, I began a blog & wrote about my Sketchbooks & aspired to become a Fabric & Wallpaper designer.
Having a Creative Business never made sense before I met Bonnie Christine. Little did I know what was possible until I took the Immersion Course last year smack bang in the middle of the second wave. This meant I had both my children home & could do more creative things. I began selling my Art Prints & only had about 12 fabric designs on Spoonflower. I wanted so much more from my creativity & felt that the little income I was getting didn't match up!!! So, I sat down and calculated exactly how much money I could make if I made as many Art Prints as I possibly could, then sold out every time the stock came in. At the end of my calculations, my annual income wasn’t remotely exciting... To say the least, it made me work harder not smarter & it was as exhausting as it sounds.
I figured that Bonnie's 3 HUGE goals could work for me too!!
#1 Work where I wanted to...
I wanted to have the freedom to work from anywhere, even if we had to move again & I wanted to be able to work for myself - either in our picturesque town or while my family & I were home together!
#2 Work when I needed to...
I had to set my own hours, choose which days of the week I wanted to work & if I wanted days off to be a little more creative. Which meant I could put in the hours to do video editing, design more fabric collections & still go away for weekends. It was very clear that I wanted to have a flexible schedule at all times.
#3 Create my own uncapped income...
As you may now, there comes a time when promotions aren't on the cards for us. It's the point where you've worked the maximum amount of hours, feel overworked & yet the annual income from working your fingers to the bone just won't bring you the type of income you were hoping to receive... that is the moment I had to choose to either stay where I was (a stay at home Mom with Art prints or build my own empire)
It was the moment I picked up the calculator & saw the earning potential of layering in multiple streams of Income.
Residual Income: Income that continues to pay out after the completion of the artwork/item/design, like royalties, commissions, interest & ongoing sales of digital art, books, courses & subscription boxes, among others.
Recurring Income: Recurring revenue is like art licensing & it is expected to continue in the future. Some contracts lasting up to 5 years. Plus, you can add to your licensing agreements & have multiple of these running at once!
Unlike a fixed income or once-off sales, the old ways of earning capped incomes or just selling something once off can never deliver the accumulative amounts of income we as creatives are worth.
These income streams can be combined to bring you unequivocally fulfilling
financial freedom!!!
Today I’m honoured to run a multi-faceted Creative Career & my business is thriving beyond my wildest dreams. And guess what, it all happens while I maintaining my mental well-being, balance & love showing up in my own life for a change.
But it's not just me...
I’ve seen countless students fulfil their creative dreams & begin working as full time Artists or as Surface Pattern Designers creating a career that they LOVE.
People from all over the world have been able to quit their day jobs to start doing what they most want to do in the world. You can click the "learn more" button to read their stories & listen to testimonials of inspiring Creative Careers that took flight with the Immersion Course.
You may still be wondering HOW THIS IS ALL POSSIBLE, so let’s take a look at the process of getting started & what's available to the Immersion students.
Bonnie created a framework for achieving this dream, and the phases look like this:
1) Establish your foundation and learn Adobe Illustrator
2) Begin making art, designs & patterns (choose your favourite)
3) Create work in collections
4) Design & build your Professional Portfolio
5) Begin licensing your Artwork to big brands & collectors
6) Become Business savvy & let your Creative Career as an Entrepreneur soar like you’ve always dreamed of
These are the exact 6 Modules that Bonnie covers
in the Comprehensive 8-week Immersion Course,
called Surface Design Immersion
It’s in this course that I walked alongside Bonnie & other creatives just like you & I, to follow every step of the way to accomplish each of these phases & truly pull back the curtain on every moving part I needed to build a successful Creative Career I could be proud of.
Here’s the deal : you can be the most amazing artist, creative, hobbyist, side income creator or doodler in the world, but if you don’t know how to create a business, oprimise your art or how to market your work, you won’t be able to make a living from it.
If you’ve ever had this dream - I would love for you to join me. You are so much stronger, more capable & absolutely worthy of accomplishing it!
As an Immersion student, you’ll gain access to an insanely supportive community, live interaction with Bonnie & her team of experts, have weekly Q&A’s with Bonnie herself & lifetime access to the entire course & it's resources, replays & searchable contents so that you can flourish all the way. There will always be support from my dedicated team & you can go through it at your own pace. Come back to lessons at any time & build your career the way you want & need to.
I’m so excited to announce that we officially opened enrolment yesterday and have been welcoming students from all over the world!
It only opens once a year and for only a few short days, so if you’d like to join us don’t delay, I wouldn't want you to miss out. We'll all be waiting to meet you on the inside as the community is a hive of excited friends saying hi!
These designs were created 2 weeks into Immersion & to think, just two weeks prior I never even opened Adobe Illustrator or used my PC to do any creative work. I was just a Sketchbook Artist with a dream...
POD stands for Print on Demand & it's when I create the design, upload it to the POD sites, tell people about it all the while the sales are managed by the supplier & I have more time!
Each of these layered designs came about from the sketches inside a blank Sketchbook & you can do it too, I promise. Take some time to look through the Immersion Course details on THE STORIES PAGE & then make design a career for your future to be bright!
I can't wait to see you inside!
Love Tanya J. de Wet