When I sent out the feedback form to gather your thoughts around the florals you wanted in the new book, "Powerful Floral Remedies for modern lifestyles", I never imagined that I'll be one of my most loved products.
I guess I say that about all of my new things, don't I?
Well, as I've mentioned before, I wouldn't bring something into the world if I didn't intend on using it myself. For me it must have a purpose because if it isn't beautiful & functional, why would I keep it.

Now I don't have an aversion to fictional books, I just prefer to have something that serves me either in pleasure or knowledge & this book does all of it. I was surprised by the responses received by a few selected collaborators when I needed a couple of test subjects for the first edition.
Launching this guide gives me an opportunity to change the way we create room for ourselves by taking time out of our busy modern lives to discover newness without pressure, recover from the long hours of stress management, rejuvenate mind, body & Spirit along with finding moments of bliss, no matter how busy life gets.
My aim is to create a few videos that I'll share here on the upcoming Blog Articles
I cannot promise a set amount or even guarantee the outcome as they are going to form part of my own meditative process in early morning settings wherein lighting & correct video recording isn't my first priority, instead making the time for a 20 minute session is the goal. So, my dear creative friends, join me & make use of the Pre-Order Treat.
As the first batch goes out into the world tomorrow, I wanted to make sure you didn't miss out on the treat I have for you... You'll receive a discount with a Pre-order of the Powerful Floral Remedies Guided Colouring Book at the lowest price it will ever be available.
Use the code: "MYTREAT" when you Pre-Order
It gives you an instant 15%off on the published price & as soon as I receive the next batch from my printers, you'll receive yours in the mail directly from me.
I'll share a snippet of the August Live Call where you can catch a glimpse of the inside
The Powerful Floral Remedies for modern lifestyles book is a fully Illustrated guide to Twenty Seven of my favourite healing flowers, their spiritual meanings, the essence of their uses, the energies they hold & the colour suggestions for each page.
It was such a delight to create a book we can reference while enjoying a creative practice with no pressure, like an adult colouring book.
As I embarked on this journey to discover more about the healing abilities of flowers, I also asked our community members to add their most loved flowers to the list. Many of them are included in the Powerful Floral Remedies for modern lifestyles colouring books, but I left out the poisonous ones for now.
A few people had the initial manuscript to test for me & then shared their feedback.
This is what they had to say about the new guided colouring book contents
Andy said this about the first copy of the book:
"The Powerful Floral Remedies are one of the most unique books I've used. It acts as a guide and a reason to take some time for self-care. It has all the aspects of an Artists hand with the sophistication of a nature journal, yet you don't feel precious about filling the pages with colour."
Jessica was in awe...
I enjoyed the larger size of the book too as the A4 size gave me enough room to add all the colour I wanted. It is the perfect companion for anyone who wants to learn more about the Floral remedies and have some quiet time."
Magdelin said:
"I coloured in all my favourites first & then shared them in the group. I can't wait to buy another copy & try out more colouring techniques in the next issue of the Floral Remedies book.
What I loved most about it was discovering how to use the Flower Essences to overcome some of my hang-ups. It's exciting to learn about Flowers in this way. The Powerful Floral Remedies is much more than a guide, it's a companion."
Want to know what we get up to inside the Membership?
And a few words from Emma:
"Knowing Tanya, whatever she has up her sleeve next, can only be amazing! It would be a great benefit to have a copy of this book as a reference for learning and discovering the power held inside florals.... I used to massage my clients with a Eucalyptus and Jojoba blend, but find that the floral blends work on specific parts for deeper transformation. I am enjoying this book so much! - Emma"
That's all I have for you this time around
Much Love