That ever elusive natural flow of a state of mind that feels in harmony with itself. After today's article you'll be able to notice when you're doing it... moment of serene solitude, a walk in nature, every glimpse of another's gaze... all these & more are parts of you in a connection to the flow state.
In essence we jump in & out of it all the time. At times when we feel "out of it", life is upside down, its noticeable that we are clearly not connected! And remember, a connection to the flow state doesn't mean we are happy,it means we are 1000% connected to the life force energy that is creating life in the most effortless way! And when the flow state is present, things simply feel at ease, we breathe better, we respond to conversations in a way that feels like connection & when we speak, our words sounds so much kinder.
Measuring my own growth over the past four years astonishes me to no end & it makes me love the Gratitude Practices as a Way of Life even more >>> Find Out What its About
Reviewing & touching base with the students who first took my Watercolour & Reiki Flow Class on Skillshare revealed video footage that reminded me of how scared, nervous & way too serious person that I do not recognise at all. And it makes me wonder how much harder life felt while I was in resistance & out of the natural flow state!?
Now I have to tell you about my little secret experiment really quickly. In the past 5 years I've been conducting a personal growth experiment to gather the evidence in videos as I participate in all the things that interest me & it was clear how little effort was needed to stop the overthinking processes & make time for reflection.
"It wasn't hard doing reflections to discover bad habits, that was colourful & fun; it was noticing them while replacing them with a chain of positive habit. That is the golden thread to unlocking the flow state..."
At the time I was blissfully unaware of how much more joy lay ahead in the four years on my personal development path to Self-Mastery which incidentally became my mission & the primary reason for creating the Self-Mastery membership (Learn more here) that sparked a way for me to connect to the flow state as often as I could. Usually before the difficult tasks started & again after leaving the studio. It felt good as the energetic field felt more & more noticeable & the life force energy started showing.
Reiki is often considered an alternative medicine, a technique practised by Eastern cultures & even though it's been practised as a major healing modality for centuries,some still believe it to only be accessible to healers, masters & practitioners. There is a little bit more to the story as similar forms of healing is available & practised by the Great Masters but Watercolour & Reiki Flow is in itself my original form of energy movement as I developed it over the past 19 years. To be exact, my Reiki Masters Practice started on the 23rd of January 2005 when I was Attuned/Initiated by Sensei Lisa. This did not including our three year in-person training for 45 minutes every day. Today is the 29th of August 2024, which makes it 19 years, 7 months, 219 days, 31 weeks & 5,256 hours that I've had the pleasure of consciously knowing when I'm in the Flow State & when I'm not.
This is not much in terms of the ten thousand hour rule! that states we only become masters of something if we have done it for 10 ooo hours!
Much like the 10 thousand folded cranes analogy, we get to practice & practice our crafts, our gifts, skills & talents for our entire lives but if we are not tapped in, tune to & turned on, we are missing out on the processes happening within us.
Sensei Lisa, who started me on Reiki was amazing, but it only became a real asset in my practices when I later became acquainted with Annette, another Reiki Master. It was Annette who saw first hand how out of control we can be if we are not in the flow state; I was emotionally drained, fatigued by working hours stacking up & my business was suffering under the pressures of ignorance, drawn down by negativity as it could crumble & fall all around us... We've just grown so used to things looking like that & started believing it was 'normal to live that way'.
It is not normal to be worried about your future. It is not normal to work harder to earn more. It is not normal to sacrifice your time for everything else. It is not normal to leave your needs at the back end of burnout. It is not normal to rush through life mindlessly...
What is normal is to be tuned into the flow state where everything is possible. To notice moments where you could choose to be calmer, more relaxed no matter what life throws at you. It is normal to take time out to reflect especially if you have a guide. Now I know I cannot be there for you the way Annette was for me, but I do know that the 30-Day Self-Mastery & Transformation Companion will be a great place to start reflecting on your life. No need to be anything other than yourself, even if you don't have a single creative hair on your head but want to begin your journey on a path forward. Find Yours >>> HERE
A favourite time for creative connection is early mornings
With the rising Sun, it's pulse of life-force-energy surges
The Spark of Life vibrates through Birds songs
They Awaken dark green chlorophyll
Supplies oxygen to breathe...
The trees rustle their leaves like glistening gold
The day's Glowing Light is the moment Creation comes alive
If you've forgotten about your mission & the vision of dreams seem vague, start a little morning practice to connect to the flow. And if life started happening the moment you wake up, write in a Gratitude Journal to practice being grateful for what you already have. Abundance will follow & clarity will come, but you need to help your connection by becoming mindful to the "Chi" inside!
When the excitement is lit up from the inside, your energy, your heart, your smile & your life will resemble the joys of being alive. It will show the imprints of love & life will feel expansive... and become more beautiful every day...
We have a Virtual Gratitude Retreat every last Thursday of every month. Bring your sketchbooks & come along for colourful Gratitude Practices to notice the wonderful things in your life!
Make time for yourself & find a little happiness
If you want to take our Watercolour & Reiki Flow Class (Now with the updated 2024 Reiki principles printable) You'll look at life in a whole new way. Maybe you are already saying these things, but it won't hurt to mention them just for today...
The Reiki Principles As They Are Known Say:
"Just for today, I will not anger"
"Just for today, I will not worry"
"Just for today, I will give thanks for my many blessings"
"Just for today, I will do my work honestly"
"Just for today, I will be kind to every living thing"
These tie in so well with Gratitude Practice & you'll build your own "Just for today" list with all the things you see around you... Everything has some place on a list filled with gratitude.
And when life gives you lemons, you'll have something to look at, something to remember & something kind to reflect on in the tough times when life just seems to be less that O-K-A-Y.
It's about knowing yourself, managing your thoughts & staying on the path that leads you to the journey of Self-Mastery, not to chase down anything but in conscious awareness of what you need to remember "Just for today!"
Reiki is gentle, caring but powerful - if you've ever given a child a little kiss on a scraped knee when they fell off their bicycles, you've used the healing powers of Reiki. It was the act of sending this intelligent energetic field & the healing intention as a frequency to assist another being with compassion.
You literally sent healing through that gesture. The human body is an enigmatic, sensory being with many organs that sense energy. It is this energetic intelligence around everything we feel & observe. It's akin to the vibes you feel when your home is freshly cleaned, that loosened happy vibe lasts until it is time to clean it again & we can feel it when we enter places when we notice the atmosphere is tight & unwelcoming...
Your body is your house & from time to time you need to shake it up to release the energy & at other times you need to sit still & draw in a little bit of yourself to recuperate.
Recognizing these shifts in energy to make room for your thoughts, your freedoms & do more of the loving-feeling things! Join us every last Thursday for a Virtual Gratitude Retreat on Zoom, cameras will be off, mic's will be off & we'll paint together in gratitude of the beauty we notice in our lives. Find All the LINKS & DETAILS >>> HERE
Much Love
xo Tanya