We cannot only dedicate a single day to mental health... We need to take care of our thoughts, our mindset, our perspective & the way we heal ourselves, not to mention that we also need to take care of our creative side by embracing the inner child & the wonder of discovering the world around us!
Getting out into the wild literally means we will make this month a month of Florals. We've dedicated the whole October to do Floral-tober with you as we would like to place the spotlight on whole human wellness including taking care of you during our month-long Mental Wellness Campaign.

We've done Floral-tober before & this year the prompts list comes form our book, the Powerful Floral Remedies for Modern Lifestyles. I'll be giving out the book around town as I'll try to go out every day in pursuit of a little more outdoor living as the days around here become warmer & Springtime energises me more to go out & explore.
I'll try to always have a few copies of the Powerful Floral Remedies Colouring Book with me to share during this month. If you are in & around Gippsland, please come over to talk, get a colouring book & spread the word about taking care of yourself!
In the meantime you can join us in the Sketchbook Journal Group where we will all post about what we discover this month while we are out & about. Let's make every opportunity one of mental wellness & mindful practices. Join the group HERE >>> The Sketchbook Journal
You'll notice there aren't any specific days allocated to each flower & we'll take it as easy as possible. It really doesn't matter if you are just struggling with some thoughts or going through a difficult time. Consider making time for relaxation this month & follow along on YouTube where we will upload nearly every day to guide the Floral-tober 2024 colouring sessions as we take you on a journey through the Powerful Floral Remedies Book & share about the energetic healing properties of each flower in it.
Here's how to find us on YouTube >>> https://www.youtube.com/@tanyajdewet
And start watching the daily videos, starting with this one!
Let's face it, the human experience is one whole mental challenge! And if we struggle with life it means our minds are not in the right place. If we cannot seem to figure out how to do the next thing it might mean that we are going through some tough things. We are constantly thinking about stuff we need to do, and how we're going to solve those problems.
But, if you do not have the mental bandwidth to do anything about it, you are destined to spiral out of control & lad yourself in a load of shizz! So, let's not allow things to go that far before taking care of our mental wellness through a little positive habit we used to love as children.
It won't matter how you show up, you can take part by not being to serious about following the Prompts List, which you can find & download HERE >>> Floral-tober 2024 Prompts List
Here are more ways you can participate, even if you think you are not creative:
take photos & sharing them in the Sketchbook Journal Group
find & share poems
write your own or share a love note
begin sketching & figure things out along the way
doodle out a basic little flower in the margins of your diary
go for a stroll in nature
visit the library & discover the floral realms
make tome for yourself
stop to smell the outdoors
connect with loved one
ask someone if they are doing okay
come together to colour in this month
In general, take it slow & be more mindful of how you treat your mind this month by taking care of our Mental Wellness through simple creative activities.
Find all the links you'll need HERE: https://linktr.ee/tanyajdewet
Stay Well, Much Love
xo Tanya