I needed my art to mean something… but I was clueless.One thing I did know; I had more to offer the world… AND boy oh boy, did I ever! >>> insert a little nervous giggle >>> From the moment I decided to take my dreams into the world of possibilities, there was no turning back
*Download a copy, it's free

On my socials I’ve shared all the behind-the-scenes things as they happening. For the most part, there is a whole lot of work happening on a daily basis that people don’t get to see. And you know what… Everything I had in my long list of dreams are coming true because I'm taking action.
Yes, there are things that might take some more time than others, like the fantasy dream of living in a modern Castle where I can host Retreats & teach face to face, but I am more than confident that it will happen too. Do you know why?
>>> There was a turning point where I started taking my dreams seriously enough & began the action steps towards success.
>>> I stopped believing the lies & saw that there was a place for my art, as no one was creating the things I was creating.
>>> The decision to follow my heart to create something so uniquely my own, simply because I wanted to see it in the world.
>>> The confidence in knowing; if I loved it, surely others would.
>>>Then, the moment I realised I could add multiple streams of income to our household budget was miraculous… The rest as they say, is history...
Do you still think that a Creative Career is only for Artists & Designers???
Creatives, Young Students, Teachers, Assistants, Secretaries, Healers & Mom's worldwide are nourishing their souls (And supporting their families!) with a part time Creative Career. Whether you want to be a Surface Pattern Designer or just learn to add some additional income to your lifestyle, the possibilities are available to explore.
The best part is that the application of knowledge in the digital era we are living in now can span far wider than anyone ever imagined
Just like my Self-Published Sketchbook Journal; I could never have imagined that I could publish my own book. But there it is! With the knowledge of the Immersion Course, I was able to figure it out. In a few short weeks, before I even finished my Portfolio, I had my own book to sell that funded other projects along the way.
Patterns & designs are everywhere; when looking around your environment, you can see thousands of clothing items in retail stores, stacks of cards, customised party décor, fun tablecloths, quoted art prints, specialised gifts like desk pads, tea towels, coffee mugs & place mats, interesting presentations, printable documents, gifting items, decorative corporate gifts, chocolate boxes, patterns on your bedding, scatter pillows, curtains & bespoke furniture. The list just goes on endlessly. And what is brilliant about it is that all of these items can have your designs on them.
Believe me, you are never too old for this because you can add your grandchildren’s art to a set of pyjamas if you wanted to. I haven't even talked about stationary yet, but can you see the possibilities of having your own pretty office stationery like washi tape, quoted note pads, diaries, customised greeting cards & scrapbook papers.
The lists goes on.
My all-time favourites are of course, wallpaper & fabric designs. It was such a revelation when I could take a drawing from my Sketchbook & turn it into a wallpaper design that is hanging on my Studio walls as we speak.
No longer did I have to page through endless online shops, visit outlets by appointment or search the storefront & still not find what I wanted. I just went ahead & designed my own.
I remember when I stepped into this wonderful world of Surface Pattern Design & created my Portfolio, there were tears welling up in me because I felt so proud of myself.
The truth is, You could make any of these items for yourself to build a brand or license them as part of an additional income & how fabulous would that be to have some extra. Can you imagine holding something in your hand that you made??? Allow me to share this little video with you. Ba careful with the volume as it begins right away…
You can do this!
The only prerequisite is YOU!!!
My dear friend, I already know that you have creativity built into your DNA, we all have it. Every time you use your hands or come up with an idea, you are communicating some creative act from the heart!
Sure, there are other secrets to success . . . Like how to prepare your work, adapting those beautiful doodles or paintings into vector art (Which is one of the industry standards) & of course you need the secrets to create multiple streams of income too.
But today I wanted to tell you that we have to do difficult things for ourselves. This will be so much more rewarding than to just wake up every day to the same boring life. I’m not saying you should sign your resignation letter, but you can begin to build your dream career in the meantime. We owe it to ourselves to be true to what we want in life. Your journey may take a detour or be on hold for a while… that’s okay too. Life will happen around us; things will pass us by & nothing will change until we make new choices in the directions we are dreaming of.
For the past year, my husband kept on supporting my dream & continued to bring home the bacon while I learned how to not only create the repeat patterns, but learned how the creative industry really works. I’ve had other businesses in the past with predictable incomes because you can only work so many hours a day, but now I have more time to myself & I have multiple streams of income to fill the gaps in the "j-o-b" sector. This is another turning point in the way we are used to working as it turns out... this industry, with hard work has an uncapped income that just wasn’t possible for me in the past!
I know many of us are not 18 any more & it is difficult to start a new career in the middle of raising kids & raging hormones. To top it off, we’ve learned some hard lessons along the way & are now so much more aware of making mistakes, it feels scary, I know! And it’s hard to be in this position!
But do you know what is even harder???? NOT DOING ANYTHING THAT SET’S YOUR HEART ON FIRE!
We can begin to dream & do the little things that needs to be done to reach a small dream goal. There is something magical about taking your dreams seriously. Remember, you don’t have to do everything at once… just start something.
In the Free Secrets to Success Workshop Bonnie is doing right now, I saw lesson 1 & 2 with the first Live Call replay & even after I’ve taken her IMMERSION Course last year, I re-discovered some snippets to move me forward & go beyond what I already know. It is brilliant!!!
Join us & discover how to:
- Build a flourishing Creative Career that sparks joy
- Spot the lies we secretly believe about ourselves
- Navigate the 6 stages of the licensing process (this is so crucial)
- Avoid all the common newbie mistakes
- Create a year-long roadmap for success
- Learn the real secrets to thrive in the Creative Industries
- And how to add Multiple streams of Income to supplement your Lifestyle
& as a bonus lesson, Bonnie is going to answer all the questions about the Immersion 2022 Course
The self-paced lessons are already available & the LIVE Calls are recorded, so you can actually watch them when you have time. These lessons can AWAKEN your inner Creative Spirit & bring you fulfilment like nothing else can.
I wanted to leave you today with this message:
“Create something today, even if it feels a little weird, just begin!
Your unique Creativity is needed in the world & I promise,
there's room for what you have to share”
*Download & print the quote & forward a link to a friend
Xo Love