to a Mindfully Creative, Happy Life!
Hi there Creatives, its time to turn your ideas into a little something that aligns better with your lifestyle...
Let's face it, we as creatives think differently about life. We need our art supplies, our creative habits, our pretty sketchbooks, our flower pictures, the crisp sunrises, colourful sunsets & our ideas to be a little happier in life!
Through Mindfulness You Can Transform Your Life's Work Into the Beautiful Things You Want to Keep on Doing

"Let Tanya's Head, Hands & Heart Philosophy Turn Your Creative Passions Into a Connection to Self-mastery as You Start Using Your Creative Practices in Mindful Ways. Feel More Empowered, Clear, Direction Orientated & in Control of Your Life WITHOUT FEELING GUILTY for Wanting More!" - Craig Daniels
How It All Started for Me...
During my Creative Career I often felt there was something missing in my life... it seemed like every time I wanted to buy myself flowers, splurge on fabric & indulge in the new art supplies I felt some kind of resistance.
It wasn’t that I couldn’t afford extravagant bouquets of pink flowers, or to decorate my entire home with beautiful patterned fabrics, layers of pretty wallpaper or to dine out when I wanted; 'It' was something deeper...
Turns out it was more than just outdated beliefs. I didn’t need to define myself... hone in my style like they suggest... or even fit into a certain model of what an artists life ought to be or must look like...
I Simply Had to Adopt Mindfulness Practices That Empowered ME To Live Happily!
Noticing How this Mind-bending Morning Magic Thing I was Doing Could Help You. It Wasn't Only Something that Gave Me More Clarity, but it Factored into Every Curious Creative Thing WE Do Every Day... Live Our Lives as Best As We Can.
We Wake Up, Go Into Auto-Pilot Mode & Never Think of the Joys We Could be Creating for Ourselves Until Things Start Going Wrong!!!
One of the Tools I Use is the One page Morning Magic Sheet & it can help you too. With it you'll find:
A More Balanced Outlook on What Life Offers
When the Time is for You to Work
When to Indulge in Creative Practices
Where to Focus if Life Feels out of Harmony
And You Can Enjoy Time by Yourself While You Are Relaxed & Calm ​​​​​

Discover & Align with Our Freebies on the File-Share Page >>> HERE
What to Expect & How to Start?
While you are here with me I would love for you to feel nurtured as a Creative.
There are many things we may have in common but there is only one of you!
Tap into a conscious awareness to become more present, connected to your path & experience your true self through mindful practices that release perfectionism & self-doubt.
We use Sketchbooks, Playfulness, Colour & Reflection to Help You Create Magical Moments Wherein Life Aligns You to the Things You Want to DO on Your Creative Journey.
You'll begin to notice this create connection with the practices you love as they lead you to powerful spurts of growth.
With a revitalized mind, a renewed sense of belonging, and a shift in mindset, the Self-Mastery journey beckons you to a whole new life that develops into a creative lifestyle. In it you get to fill your days with direction, self-care, a deeper appreciation of nature, and an elevate level of happiness. Combining what you love doing with what you make time for creates so much more joy in life as you begin to embrace your unique creative perspective for living a beautiful life.
It is the perfect place to embody who you really are!
You can start Your Journey by downloading the 30-Day Self-Mastery & Transformation Prompts
Or Click on the "Start Here" Button to Free Open Studio Sessions!