It's probably the strangest combination, but it makes perfect sence when you realize how 'alike' each of these are. Let me take youon this journey through my newest class.
Probably the most exciting news of the year, is that I managed to merge all of my interests into one package. From my love for Watercolour, Art & Reiki healing practices to video editing and creative entrepreneurship. Everything is combined in a package deal and delivered to you in the form of a Skillshare Class, Watercolour & Reiki Flow.
I’m so excited for this Class to hit the public realm & it is out TODAY! Before I tell you a little bit more about this class, I want to share my special affiliate link with you. If you’re not already a Skillshare Premium member, you should take advantage of this Premium Trial to test out the Skillshare platform for yourself. Did you know, On Skillshare, millions of members come together to find inspiration and take the next step in their creative journey. The wonderful learning platform has been invaluable in my own creative life & career. I’ve been using it for the past 5 years to connect $ create daily. The Skillshare platform was & still is my go-to resource when I want to teach myself the ins and outs of art, skills and design. It doesn’t matter if you’re a hobbyist or a budding creative soul urging forward to become an Artist, I can guarantee that you will find many worthwhile areas of interest to invest your time & money in Skillshare!
Now for the Watercolour & Reiki Flow class; it is absolutely what it sounds like! This class is about creating a space for you to harness the Creative Connection of creativity through Watercolour Exploration. The limited palette I selected for use in the Class has an exciting range of beautiful shades that can calm you down when you dilute them or brighten up your day when you apply them at full strength.
The unusual use of Watercolour & Reiki in one Class is sure to keep you interested in either of the subjects. It is a misconception that you must “believe” in Reiki, as Reiki energy has many names and although the Art of Practicing Reiki is fairly intricate, the Energy of Reiki exists without anyone’s so called belief in it. It just exists, just like air & water.

Therein comes my interest in combining the two practices while respecting each individually, they make a great pairing. Once you can see past old connections & outdated meanings people put on things, it is easy to understand how these two beautiful practices can come together in a fusion of playful creativity in what I call CREATIVE CONNECTION. Nature does this playful connection all the time, it can be seen in the way the wind sways the tree branches & how a wave rolls to spill over onto the sand. My absolute favourite time of day is at daybreak, that moment the sun shows a glimpse of itself on the horizon & the birds begin to sing. WOW, it always thrills me to bare witness to such a spectacular sight. Once you’ve latched onto the CREATIVE CONNECTION, there is no limit to the amount of creativity you can push forth from your hands & mind to come up with an abundance of ideas with just a willingness to start.
As you may have guessed by now, florals are my favourite thing to draw and paint and I love the flexibility of Watercolour paints with their soft, watery nature and the ease with which you can transform a blank Sketchbook page in seconds. With my favorite medium, Watercolour & a mop brush… a few pieces of paper (and a Sketchbook if you like to start one too) you can bring your creative genius to the wonderful world of Watercolour to play & just be yourself for a few moments, every time you need it. Painting florals is meditative process for me, but admittedly, I sometimes needed a push into creative mode. This Class is about Watercolour & Reiki Flow and the satisfying, and unique combination of a class like no other. It is a true Original! The many hours of painting florals & creating a creative space for me to create in has inspired me to share my simple processes with you.
Here are a few things you might need for this class?
Your favourite 3 Watercolour Colours, the paintbrush you like the most, pieces of Watercolour paper, water & a short amount of time. Once you’ve gone through the class, you may feel the need to just use your favorite watercolor set and brushes to get to the CREATIVE CONNECTION asap!
The Class Project is also fun, I promise
Throughout the easy to follow lessons, I’ll show you my process for connecting to the creativity that comes to all of us once we’ve let some fun in. This is where it all happens… being able to let go of your previous limiting beliefs & allow the creativity to pour out through your willingness.
Here is what you can post as the Class Project when you feel ready to share
- Post a few images of your Spirals, I can’t wait to see what Colours you selected
- Include a glimpse of a larger piece of work you are busy with
or an image of something you've created in your Sketchbook after taking the class
- Share a picture of you & your pet, just for fun
This is just another reason why Skillshare is such an amazing platform to be on. Here you can post your photos directly to the class projects page & connect with a community who really gets you. Once you’ve posted your projects, I can see them & know that you completed the projects. There couldn’t be an easier way to be helpful through positive feedback or a “love heart” to a fellow student.
Keep your eyes peeled for more classes & tell me in the comments what you might like to see as a new class on Skillshare.